Friday, February 19, 2010

London-Day 3: Photoshoot and French Fries

After seeing Billy Elliot and Wicked Brittany and I took the tube to Westminster to gt some pictures of Big Ben and Parliament lit up at night. These are some of my favorite pictures from the trip (and I was still riding my Billy Elliot high) and whenever I saw Big Ben lit up I began to sing "You Can Fly" from Peter Pan. Enjoy!

We took the tube the rest of the way back to the hostel and I was famished so I asked the guy working the front desk if there wee any food places open this late. He pointed us in the direction of Micky D's and I booked it there. The last meal we ate was a snadwich around 3 pm and we did about 8 miles of walking (plus stairs) so you can imagine my need for food.

Adventures continue in London-Day 4 

1 comment:

  1. I love the nighttime photo of you with Big Ben in the background
