Friday, January 22, 2010

Dun Laoghaire

On the East Pier of Dun Laoghaire

This afternoon Stevie, Stacy, Brittany, Laura and I went on a little trip to the seaside town of Dun Laoghaire (pronounced "dun leery"). I am fairly certain they could have done without at least four of those letters, but then again the name makes it look exotic. Perhaps LaGrange should add a couple letters too... It was a beautiful sunny day and it was about 25 minutes south of campus on the bus. There are not really any "attractions" in Dun Laoghaire other than the seaside views and I have provided you with some here. The last few days have been fairly photo-free so enjoy these!

I take pictures of cute things.


We walked down the east pier and although it seem short it took us quite a long time because we had to stop and take pictures about every 4 meters (I'm learning metric!)

Gazebo on the pier. As we were walking back here were two men playing a sax and an accordian here.

Tiny sailboats

The picture is super dark but I really liked the clouds and the texture of the water. Grace should hop over the pond so she can do a professional job.

The pier and the steeples with the Wicklow Mountains in the back.

Streets of Dun Laoghaire. Quite a cute little town.

After about 3 hours in Dun Laoghaire we headed back to campus and then went to go have dinner with one of Laura's friends who is attending Trinity, which is right in the city centre of Dublin. We hung out there for a while and then headed over to a friend of Laura's friend's place to meet up with some more people. At about 11 Brittany and I headed home. The buses stop running around 11:15 and we didn't want to pay for a taxi so there was a lot of power walking involved to get to the bus stop in time.

Tomorrow is going to be another adventure for the U of I girls (Stacy, Stevie, Brittany, and me) because we are taking a daytrip to Galway, which my guidebook claims is the most Irish town in Ireland. I can only hope this means that leprchauns serve me Lucky Charms, potatoes, corned beef, and whiskey while I watch Riverdance but I anticipate no Lucky Charms. We're leaving Dublin at 10, riding 4 hours there, and then checking out Galway for the day. We are going to stay pretty late so we can catch the live music and the pub scene. I will try to post all my photos and stories sometime Sunday, but I am planning on going to the horseraces and I may have bet my computer and lost so we'll see if I can.

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