Thursday, February 4, 2010

Karaoke Update

I'm sure you're panting with anticipation with what I sang for karaoke. Brittany and I did duets of both "I Will Survive" and "Oops, I Did It Again." We chose "I Will Survive" and we did such a great job that the DJ put on some Britney for us.

We took a taxi back from the Wicked Wolf and remained in the car about twenty minutes after arriving at Roebuck Hall because the Iraqi taxi driver would not stop talking about how much he loved George Bush. He was talking about religion and George H. W. Bush and Hussein and how everything is not perfect in Iraq, but at least they have a democracy. He also said that he was a descendant of Muhammed, and we asked if that was a big deal, and he said "Well look at me. I'm driving an Irish taxi." He is the rebel of the family because he drinks and is not religious. He also studied robotics (I think that's what he said) POLITICS (which make a lot more sense than robotics) at UCD and helped the Americans in Iraq and was on TV. As you can see this was a very in depth conversation. If he celebrated Christmas I would be on his Christmas card list.

After talking with our friend we attempted to find some pizza, but places close early here and we were unable to locate any. Instead I ate grapes and cheese.


  1. politics, not robotics.

  2. Well that makes a lot more sense. I doubted UCD had a robotics department.
