Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hospitals, Pancakes, and Newsies- Oh My!

This was the first day in who knows how long that I have been able to sleep in, but I’m not complaining about being busy traveling about Ireland. I’m still livin’ the dream.

After a somewhat lazy morning Laura knocked on my door to vent about the fact that someone had drank half her Diet Coke 2 liter and most of her unopened parmesan cheese. We went on the passive-aggressive warpath and wrote a post-it asking whoever stole her food to fess up. Our roommate Claire came forward confessing that she was very drunk and ate the food, and apologized by giving Laura five euro to buy new food. That was nice of her to come clean. I’m just curious what her drunk food was considering she ate Laura’s parmesan and my ketchup was out.

Laura’s foot had been bothering her for a while and our hike in Glendalough had not done it any good so she asked me if I would accompany her to the hospital to get it checked out. I was down for an adventure so we walked over to St. Vincent’s, which was just down the road. She got registered right away and then we sat in the waiting room for quite a long time watching a soap opera on BBC which perplexed us, mostly because the waiting room was loud and we missed a lot of dialogue. After about two hours she went back for x-rays and said that I could leave because she didn’t know how long it would be.

The Tesco (supermarket) was right across the street so I headed over there to get supplies for dinner. Jen and I were having a movie date to watch one of my favorites, Newsies. We wanted blueberry pancakes for dinner so I picked up some pancake/Yorkshire pudding mix and was on my way.

Laura came back to the apartment and let me know that she had a stress fracture in her foot and had to be on crutches for the next week. We are supposed to go to Paris on Friday so I am hoping that she is well enough to walk around and take Paris by storm. I started mixing up the pancakes when Miss Jenni showed up and we started cooking. I don’t know what, if anything, we did wrong, but those pancakes are not like the ones I am accustomed to having in America. Maybe pancakes are different here but if you closed your eyes and ate our pancakes they tasted exactly like Yorkshire pudding (which makes sense because it was also Yorkshire pudding mix). I’m not really complaining, but it was extremely odd. Now I know not to trust Tesco brand pancake/Yorkshire pudding mix.

Then it was time for main event- Newsies. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this classic Disney musical, it is about newsboys in turn of the century New York who strike against Joseph Pulitzer. It is a really inspiring story which has a lot of truth to it. The newsboys of that time did strike against the most powerful man in New York- and won! And the best part of the movie is that it stars Batman himself, Christian Bale. Adolescent Christian Bale sings and dances with the other newsboys and does a great job. And the choreography is superb! And the music is by Alan Menken! And it’s directed by Kenny Ortega of High School Musical fame! What more can you ask for? Seriously I highly recommend it and Jen and Laura loved it too.

In conclusion:
Hospital- bad, pancakes- debatable, Newsies with my international crew- amazing!

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